Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Friday 13 September 2024

Lincoln Cathedral. The Cathedral Church Of The Blessed Virgin Mary Of Lincoln. (Part Five).

Lincoln Cathedral’s Nave.
Photo: 30 July 2014.
Source: Own work.
Attribution: Photo by DAVID ILIFF.
Licence: CC BY-SA 3.0.
Author: Diliff
(Wikimedia Commons)

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unless stated otherwise.

A Clock by John Thwaite[35] was installed in the North-West Tower in 1775. This was later improved by Benjamin Vulliamy and moved to the Broad Tower around 1835. 

It was replaced in 1880 by a new Clock, built by Potts and Sons of Leeds, under the instruction of Edmund Beckett QC

Cambridge Chimes were a feature of the new Clock.[36] The machinery, featuring a double, three-legged, gravity escapement, to Beckett’s designs, weighs about 4 long tons (4.5 short tons), with the driving weights being 1.5 long tons (1.7 short tons), suspended by steel-wire ropes 270 feet (82 metres) long, and the pendulum weight of 2 long hundredweight (100 kg). 

Lincoln Cathedral Roof Tour.
Available on YouTube

The beat is 1.5 seconds. The hour hammer is 224 pounds (102 kg), striking upon the Great Tom Bell. The striking trains require winding daily; when done manually it took twenty minutes. The going train required winding twice per week. 

The Clock mechanism contains the inscription “Quod bene vortat Deus Opt. Max., Consiliis Edmundi Beckett, Baronetti, LL.D., Opera Gul. Potts et Filiorum, civium Leodiensium, Sumptibus Decani et Capituli, Novum in Turri positum est Horologium, A.D. MDCCCLXXX”.

The South-West Tower of the Cathedral contains a fine ring of thirteen Bells, all cast by John Taylor and Co in Loughborough. 

Vault of Secondary Transept, Lincoln Cathedral.
Photo: 15 September 2018.
Source: Own work.
Author: Cc364
(Wikimedia Commons)

The back eight Bells were cast in 1913, with four new Trebles being added in 1927. In 1948, a “Flat 6th” was added to allow for ringing on the middle eight Bells. 

The Treble Bell weighs 5 cwt 0 qr 2 lb, with the Tenor weighing 23 cwt 3 qr 23 lb and striking the note D (nominal 600.0 Hz). 

The Bells are rung from the section of the Tower just above The Great West Front, with the Ringing Chamber having three windows on all but one side. The bells are hung below the Louvres to minimise Tower movement as much as possible.

Inside Lincoln Cathedral.
Available on YouTube

Sometime during the later stages of the Second World War, the accomplished RAF pilot and future Black British civil rights leader, Billy Strachan, almost crashed his aircraft into Lincoln Cathedral. 

Strachan credited this experience with ending his piloting career, as he found it psychologically impossible to continue flying combat missions.[37]

Lincolnshire was home to many Bomber Command airfields during the Second World War, giving rise to the nickname of “Bomber County”.[38] The Station Badge for the nearby RAF Waddington station depicts Lincoln Cathedral rising through the clouds.[39] 

Lincoln Cathedral.
Photo: 16 March 2013.
Source: Own work.
Author: DrMoschi
(Wikimedia Commons)

Until the opening of the RAF Bomber Command Memorial in 2012, the Cathedral had the only Memorial in The United Kingdom dedicated to Bomber Command’s large losses of aircrew in the Second World War.[40][41]

During the War, “priceless British treasures” were placed in a chamber sixty feet beneath the Cathedral for safekeeping.[42]

This did not include the Cathedral’s copy of Magna Carta, as it was on loan in the United States.[42]


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