Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Monday 16 September 2024

Pope Saint Cornelius And Saint Cyprian. Martyrs. Feast Day 16 September.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Pope Saint Cornelius And Saint Cyprian.
   Feast Day 16 September.


Red Vestments.

English: Saint Cornelius. Pope and Martyr.
Deutsch: Ausstattung der ehemaligen Seitenaltäre 
der Meßkircher St. Martinskirche, Standflügel: Heiliger Cornelius als Papst und Märtyrer.
Artist: Meister von Meßkirch (1500–1543).
Date: 1535-1540.
Current location: Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Germany.
Source/Photographer: Eingescannt aus: Anna Moraht-Fromm und Hans Westhoff: Der Meister von Meßkirch – Forschungen zur südwestdeutschen
Malerei des 16. Jahrhunderts, Ulm, 1997, S. 190.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Cornelius was a Roman and was Sovereign Pontiff under the Emperors Gallus and Volusian. He had to oppose Novatian, the first Anti-Pope. He took from the Catacomb of Saint Sebastian, where they had rested some forty years, the bodies of the Apostles Peter and Paul and Translated them to the places where they had suffered Martyrdom.

He was arrested and beheaded in 253 A.D.

English: Saint Cyprian. Bishop and Martyr.
Deutsch: Ausstattung der ehemaligen Seitenaltäre 
der Meßkircher St. Martinskirche, Standflügel:
als Bischof und Märtyrer.
Artist: Meister von Meßkirch (1500–1543).
Date: 1535-1540.
Current location: Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Germany.
Source/Photographer: Eingescannt aus: Anna Moraht-Fromm und Hans Westhoff: Der Meister von Meßkirch – Forschungen zur südwestdeutschen
Malerei des 16. Jahrhunderts, Ulm, 1997, S. 190.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Cyprian was a Barrister at Carthage, when he was converted to Christianity. A short time afterwards, he was Ordained a Priest and became Bishop of Carthage. "It would be superfluous," says Saint Jerome, "to speak of his genius, since his works are more brilliant than the Sun."

This illustrious Father of The Latin Church lived in one of the most troublous periods for The Church in Africa. He was Martyred five years after Saint Cornelius on the day when this Holy Pope’s remains were Translated to Rome. That explains why their names are united by The Liturgy of The Canon of The Mass (First List).

Mass: Intret. Of Several Martyrs.
Commemoration of The Holy Martyrs: Saint Euphemia; Saint Lucy; Saint Geminianus.

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