Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.
Showing posts with label A Visionary New Plan For The Rebuilding Of Penn Station. New York City.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A Visionary New Plan For The Rebuilding Of Penn Station. New York City.. Show all posts

Monday 26 August 2019

A Visionary New Plan For The Rebuilding Of Penn Station, New York City.

Penn Station, New York City, circa 1910.
Image: Library of Congress.
Illustration: MASHABLE

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at, TRADITIONAL BUILDING

By: Clem Labine. 17 April 2019.
(Originally written in 2015)

A visionary new Plan, to rebuild Penn Station, rectifies an act of architectural vandalism, and improves passenger circulation at a critical transit hub in New York City.

Though demolition occurred more than fifty years ago, citizens of New York City – and lovers of beautiful architecture everywhere – still mourn the loss of Charles Follen McKim’s majestic Pennsylvania Station.

The demolition of that magnificent building is still remembered as one of the greatest civic blunders ever committed. That’s why there are cries of startled disbelief – commingled with hope and jubilation – when people hear details of the new plan that would bring McKim’s Beaux-Arts masterpiece back from the ash heap of history – and solve two other major urban problems in the bargain.

The Destruction Of Penn Station.
Available on YouTube at

“The Plan to Rebuild Penn Station” is the brainchild of Richard W. Cameron, principal designer at Atelier and Co., Brooklyn, New York, and one of the original founders of The Institute of Classical Architecture And Art. The Rebuild Penn Station Plan has three major elements:

(1) Reconstruct the grand spaces of the original Penn Station;

(2) Create a modern transit hub that connects two subway lines, two commuter railroads, and Amtrak;

(3) Redevelop the area in and around Penn Station to create a world-class urban destination – like Rockefeller Center. McKim had envisioned his splendid rail terminal as the centrepiece of a spectacular City Beautiful project – but he died before his full dream could be realised.

“The time is right,” Cameron declares, “to complete McKim’s glorious urban vision.”

Rebuilding: It's Technically And Economically Feasible.

Cameron makes a convincing case that rebuilding Penn Station is both technically and economically feasible. For starters, architectural design development costs would be dramatically less than for a “blank slate” Modernist exercise in abstract geometry that is the current fashion.

Archives at The New York Historical Society contain 353 original McKim Mead and White drawings of Penn Station that can be digitised and used to jump-start the design process.

Unlike so many of today’s new sculpture-buildings, there would be no complex engineering issues to be resolved, because the building is based on time-tested principles. Additional construction savings would be realised, since the original excavations and foundations are already in place.

Preliminary cost estimates for the rebuilt Penn Station and transit hub, which serves close to 600,000 passengers per day, would be around $2.5 billion – much of which can be covered by air-rights transfers and municipal bond sales. By contrast, the elaborate new World Trade Center Transit Hub, by Santiago Calatrava, cost around $4 billion – and serves fewer than 50,000 train commuters, daily.

A rebuilt Penn Station would give back to New York its monumental gateway, of which it was robbed in 1963. Today’s train passengers are required to navigate a depressing warren of gloomy passages, instead of passing through McKim’s sequence of inspiring vaulted spaces.

In Vincent Scully’s oft-quoted comment about Penn Station: Formerly “one entered the City like a god.” Now, “one scuttles in like a rat.”

The original Penn Station was built between 1901 and 1910, inspired by The Baths of Caracalla, in Rome. The Classical edifice was a stunning achievement of both engineering and aesthetics: Its steel frame, sheathed in pink granite and travertine, with eighty-four Doric Columns and lofty halls, with 150-ft. coffered ceilings, created one of the largest covered public spaces in the World.

Built totally with funds from The Pennsylvania Railroad under the guidance of its visionary President, Alexander Cassatt, the privately-owned building was more than a train terminal: It was also a gift to the entire City of New York. Rich in Classical architectural detail and built of high-quality materials, the monumental building set a standard for excellence in civic spaces. It was an awe-inspiring public realm where the poorest citizen could feel like nobility.

Original Penn Station.
Available on YouTube at

A Rationalised Transit Hub.

Penn Station’s facilities, today, handle nearly 600,000 passengers, daily, making it the busiest transit hub in North America – and probably the most bewildering. The second element of The Rebuild Plan will streamline what currently is a confusing jumble of passenger connections between two subway lines, The Long Island Railroad (LIRR), New Jersey Transit commuter lines, and Amtrak.

The original Penn Station was designed primarily for the intercity passengers of The Pennsylvania Railroad – traffic that is today handled by Amtrak. But today’s intercity traffic accounts for less than 10% of Penn Station’s passenger flow; the balance being daily commuters from The LIRR and New Jersey Transit. Currently, these commuters have to pick their way through an underground maze that rivals the Minotaur’s Labyrinth. To make a truly efficient transit hub, service areas for these daily commuters must take top priority.

Like all Beaux-Arts buildings, the logical layout of McKim’s original vast floor plan permits many adaptations for modern uses without compromising the basic architectural beauty of the structure. With Amtrak operations moved to the other side of Eighth Avenue, ample room is created for highly-improved services and passenger amenities for the 500,000 daily riders on The LIRR and New Jersey Transit – along with improved connections to the Seventh and Eighth Avenue subways.

Penn Station: Reborn.
Available on YouTube at

Centrepiece Of A Great Urban Destination.

The third component of The Rebuild Plan is completion of McKim’s vision of the great train station as the centrepiece of a beautiful urban ensemble. The Rebuild Plan accomplishes this by:

(a) Re-purposing some of the interior spaces of the massive building, and;

(b) Creating a great urban outdoor room on the North Side of the station.

Besides its function as a passenger terminal, the colossal dimensions of the station building also provide enormous possibilities for creating a dining, shopping and entertainment Mecca. For example, the two huge Light Wells behind the Seventh Avenue façade could be fitted with glass canopies that would provide prodigious amounts of additional sunlit interior space.

In addition, McKim’s Floor Plan presents multiple opportunities for contemporary adaptations.

Originally, visitors entering from the Seventh Avenue portico encountered a long arcade lined with shops. Travellers then came upon a Loggia that functioned as a transition space to dining facilities; on one side, was a lunchroom, with a more formal dining room, opposite. Large office spaces were available above the dining level. Straight ahead from the Loggia was The Grand Stairway leading down to the main Waiting Room.

A landmark decision: Penn Station, Grand Central,
and the architectural heritage of New York City.
Available on YouTube at

The immense Waiting Room of Travertine Marble – running almost the entire two-block width of the building – was Penn Station’s showpiece. The vaulted and coffered plaster ceiling floated 150 feet above the Marble floor, visually supported by eight colossal, sixty-feet high, Corinthian Columns.

Natural light flooded the great room through eight, thirty-three-feet high, Diocletian windows. Containing ticketing and baggage checking services, the vast Waiting Room never failed to impress and uplift anyone who entered.

From the main Waiting Room, passengers processed to the second major area – the Passenger Concourse on the Eighth Avenue side that provided easy access to all the intercity railroad platforms.

The immense concourse floor was studded with slender steel columns supporting an overhead glass canopy – creating the effect of a crystal palace. Glass blocks embedded in the floor allowed light to filter down to the track level.

But, beyond re-purposing spaces contained within the station, itself, The Rebuild Plan also realises McKim’s vision of transforming the area North of Penn Station into an urban plaza that could become one of New York’s most inviting locations.

Besides Rockefeller Center, New York City does not have any great urban gathering places in the manner of Europe’s famous plazas, such as the Piazza Navona. Cafés, shopping, theatres, open space, public seating, fountains and plantings, envisioned in The Rebuild Plan, would be sure to turn the area into a veritable people-magnet.

The success of The High Line Park on Manhattan’s West Side – with its subsequent spectacular increase in real estate values – has demonstrated how beautiful public spaces can trigger economic development. And The High Line Park has virtually no convenient public transit access, as compared with the vast transportation network at The Penn Station transit hub.

The Inevitable Objections.

A programme as visionary as The Plan to Rebuild Penn Station will draw instant criticism. The Modernist establishment will surely argue that a new Penn Station should be “innovative and contemporary” – meaning that it should be an exercise in abstract geometry.

But, in fact, The Rebuild Plan is the most radical and innovative idea that has been put forward – and will attract a lot more public attention. Manhattan is already jammed with Modernist glass-and-steel abstractions, so a great new classical Penn Station would not only be big news, but also an act of civic redemption.

There are also a number of contemporary precedents for rebuilding lost architectural landmarks, such as The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow, and the historic centres of Warsaw, Dresden, and Echternach, Luxembourg. And, of course, restoration of major train stations has also proved economically successful in cities like Washington and Denver.

Penn Station.
Source: Image available from the United States
Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs division.
Author: Bain News Service.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Drug Store in Penn Station.
Date: 1898.
Author: Scan by New York Public Library.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Another objection will be that plans for the new Moynihan Station on Eighth Avenue, proposed for the former Farley Post Office building, pre-empts The Rebuild Penn Station Plan. But, even if it is built, the Moynihan Station (now estimated to cost $1.5 billion) will only serve 40,000 Amtrak passengers – leaving the other 500,000 daily LIRR and New Jersey Transit passengers still suffering in their dismal underground tunnels.

The last major objection to The Rebuild Plan is that it will require the relocation of Madison Square Garden . . . and the current Garden owners have declared they have no intention to move. However, the owners of Madison Square Garden have only eight more years left on their location’s ten-year lease. New York City has given the owners a tax abatement incentive (said to be up to $16 million per year) to keep the “Knicks” and “Rangers” in Madison Square Garden. In the opinion of inside observers, if that tax abatement were made transferable to a new location, moving Madison Square Garden would suddenly seem much more feasible to its owners.

The Rebuild Penn Station Plan will return to New York City its magnificent gateway that will offer a dignified welcome to commuters, tourists, and business people from across the City, suburbs, and the entire East Coast.

Pennsylvania Station, New York City (demolished 1963).
Historic American Buildings Survey.
Date: 24 April 1962.
Source: Image available from the United States
Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs division.
Author: Cervin Robinson (Photographer).
(Wikimedia Commons)

Even more important, the rebuilt Penn Station will be an economic engine that draws visitors and New Yorkers, alike, to what can become one of the most vibrant parts of New York City. We owe it to future generations to fill the hole in the physical and spiritual fabric of the City created by the barbaric acts of 1963.

The plans are in place; all that’s needed is Political will.

Penn Station.
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Rebuilding Penn Station Would Make Henry Smile.

This year (2015) marks the Centennial of the birth of Henry Hope Reed (born 25 September 1915), father of the present-day Classical Revival. In 1968—at the height of Modernist supremacy – Henry founded Classical America, an organisation that subsequently became part of The Institute of Classical Architecture and Art. Henry spent his lifetime fighting to reverse the tide of Modernist ideology that was stripping our Cities of beauty, harmony and order.

Of Henry’s many quotable quotes, this is quite typical: “If we once accept the consequence of the present fashion as a form of nihilism, then the Modern can no longer be termed ‘progress’.”

This quote can surely stand as Henry’s comment on the proposal to replace the banal Modernist pastiche, that is the current Madison Square Garden, with a majestic Classical masterpiece. Energetic advocacy for The Rebuild Penn Station Plan is certainly a most appropriate way to mark the Centennial of Henry’s birth.

APRIL 2015.
By Clem Labine
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