Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.
Showing posts with label Establishment Of Two Personal Parishes For The Traditional Mass In Italy And France.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Establishment Of Two Personal Parishes For The Traditional Mass In Italy And France.. Show all posts

Monday 15 July 2024

Establishment Of Two Personal Parishes For The Traditional Mass In Italy And France.

Archbishop Gian Carlo Perego 
and Bishop Bernard Ginoux.
Illustration: FSSPX NEWS

This Article is reprinted from 2021 and is taken from, and can be read in full at, FSSPX NEWS

The Archbishop of Ferrara, in Italy, and The Bishop of Montauban, in France, have both established Personal Parishes in their respective Dioceses. These two Parishes will be Dedicated to The Traditional Roman Rite.

Firstly, the definition of a “Personal Parish” should be noted. Normally, a Parish is “Territorial,” that is, it is delimited according to geographical boundaries. It welcomes as Parishioners all those who reside within these limits.

Alternately, a Personal Parish is not so limited, but welcomes Parishioners who are Members of a particular institution like The Army, or, of a Special Rite, like The Eastern Rites in Latin-Rite Countries.

So, these new Personal Parishes will welcome any of The Faithful wishing to attend The Tridentine Rite.

The Archbishop of Ferrara, Monsignor Gian Carlo Perego, is not a Bishop with Traditional tendencies; indeed, he was appointed to reverse that tendency of his predecessor, Monsignor Luigi Negri.

However, he set up this Personal Parish in his Diocese on 
9 June 2021 - the third such Parish in Italy - which he has entrusted to a Diocesan Priest.

It is likely that this process had been in the works for some time. But, all the same, it is notable that the various rumours which agitate Italy, and which Monsignor Perego cannot ignore, have not in any way deterred him.

The Pastor of the Diocese of Montauban, France, is Bishop Bernard Ginoux, who has a reputation as a Conservative Bishop. Its establishment is dated 29 June 2021, and it is the fifth in France.

The Personal Parish is located in Gasseras, on the outskirts of Montauban, and is entrusted to The Institute of Christ The King Sovereign Priest, an Ecclesia Dei Community. It is true that the tendency of the Bishops of France is to want to control the Celebrations according to the old Roman Rite, and that is why they rarely welcome such a Community.

Of course, we should be delighted to see The Traditional Mass spreading, but the fact remains that these concessions remain fragile, subject to the good will - or bad will - of the Bishops. Thus, the Bishop of Dijon, Monsignor Roland Minnerath, has just closed an Ecclesia Dei establishment in his Diocese, "anticipating," according to his words, the forthcoming reform of the Motu Proprio “Summorum Pontificum”.

This shows that there is still a way to go before The Tridentine Mass is finally liberated. It also shows how prudent Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's position was. Through his unwavering attachment to the integral truth of Catholic Doctrine, he bequeathed to his sons the legacy of an authentic freedom which protects them from abuse of power by the Episcopate.

(Sources: La Lettre de Paix liturgique/Le Salon beige – FSSPX.Actualités)
Illustration: Arcidiocesidi Ferrara-Comacchio & capture d’écran YouTube.

Saturday 15 July 2023

Establishment Of Two Personal Parishes For The Traditional Mass In Italy And France.

Archbishop Gian Carlo Perego 
and Bishop Bernard Ginoux.
Illustration: FSSPX NEWS

This Article is reprinted from 2021 and is taken from, and can be read in full at, FSSPX NEWS

The Archbishop of Ferrara, in Italy, and The Bishop of Montauban, in France, have both established Personal Parishes in their respective Dioceses. These two Parishes will be Dedicated to The Traditional Roman Rite.

Firstly, the definition of a “Personal Parish” should be noted. Normally, a Parish is “Territorial,” that is, it is delimited according to geographical boundaries. It welcomes as Parishioners all those who reside within these limits.

Alternately, a Personal Parish is not so limited, but welcomes Parishioners who are Members of a particular institution like The Army, or, of a Special Rite, like The Eastern Rites in Latin-Rite Countries.

So, these new Personal Parishes will welcome any of The Faithful wishing to attend The Tridentine Rite.

The Archbishop of Ferrara, Monsignor Gian Carlo Perego, is not a Bishop with Traditional tendencies; indeed, he was appointed to reverse that tendency of his predecessor, Monsignor Luigi Negri.

However, he set up this Personal Parish in his Diocese on 
9 June 2021 - the third such Parish in Italy - which he has entrusted to a Diocesan Priest.

It is likely that this process had been in the works for some time. But, all the same, it is notable that the various rumours which agitate Italy, and which Monsignor Perego cannot ignore, have not in any way deterred him.

The Pastor of the Diocese of Montauban, France, is Bishop Bernard Ginoux, who has a reputation as a Conservative Bishop. Its establishment is dated 29 June 2021, and it is the fifth in France.

The Personal Parish is located in Gasseras, on the outskirts of Montauban, and is entrusted to The Institute of Christ The King Sovereign Priest, an Ecclesia Dei Community. It is true that the tendency of the Bishops of France is to want to control the Celebrations according to the old Roman Rite, and that is why they rarely welcome such a Community.

Of course, we should be delighted to see The Traditional Mass spreading, but the fact remains that these concessions remain fragile, subject to the good will - or bad will - of the Bishops. Thus, the Bishop of Dijon, Monsignor Roland Minnerath, has just closed an Ecclesia Dei establishment in his Diocese, "anticipating," according to his words, the forthcoming reform of the Motu Proprio “Summorum Pontificum”.

This shows that there is still a way to go before The Tridentine Mass is finally liberated. It also shows how prudent Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's position was. Through his unwavering attachment to the integral truth of Catholic Doctrine, he bequeathed to his sons the legacy of an authentic freedom which protects them from abuse of power by the Episcopate.

(Sources: La Lettre de Paix liturgique/Le Salon beige – FSSPX.Actualités)
Illustration: Arcidiocesidi Ferrara-Comacchio & capture d’écran YouTube.

Friday 15 July 2022

Establishment Of Two Personal Parishes For The Traditional Mass In Italy And France.

Archbishop Gian Carlo Perego and Bishop Bernard Ginoux.
Illustration: FSSPX NEWS

This Article is reprinted from 2021 and is taken from, and can be read in full at, FSSPX NEWS

The Archbishop of Ferrara, in Italy, and The Bishop of Montauban, in France, have both established Personal Parishes in their respective Dioceses. These two Parishes will be Dedicated to The Traditional Roman Rite.

Firstly, the definition of a “Personal Parish” should be noted. Normally, a Parish is “Territorial,” that is, it is delimited according to geographical boundaries. It welcomes as Parishioners all those who reside within these limits.

Alternately, a Personal Parish is not so limited, but welcomes Parishioners who are Members of a particular institution like The Army, or, of a Special Rite, like The Eastern Rites in Latin-Rite Countries.

So, these new Personal Parishes will welcome any of The Faithful wishing to attend The Tridentine Rite.

The Archbishop of Ferrara, Monsignor Gian Carlo Perego, is not a Bishop with Traditional tendencies; indeed, he was appointed to reverse that tendency of his predecessor, Monsignor Luigi Negri.

However, he set up this Personal Parish in his Diocese on 9 June 2021 - the third such Parish in Italy - which he has entrusted to a Diocesan Priest.

It is likely that this process had been in the works for some time. But, all the same, it is notable that the various rumours which agitate Italy, and which Monsignor Perego cannot ignore, have not in any way deterred him.

The Pastor of the Diocese of Montauban, France, is Bishop Bernard Ginoux, who has a reputation as a Conservative Bishop. Its establishment is dated 29 June 2021, and it is the fifth in France.

The Personal Parish is located in Gasseras, on the outskirts of Montauban, and is entrusted to The Institute of Christ The King Sovereign Priest, an Ecclesia Dei Community. It is true that the tendency of the Bishops of France is to want to control the Celebrations according to the old Roman Rite, and that is why they rarely welcome such a Community.

Of course, we should be delighted to see The Traditional Mass spreading, but the fact remains that these concessions remain fragile, subject to the good will - or bad will - of the Bishops. Thus, the Bishop of Dijon, Monsignor Roland Minnerath, has just closed an Ecclesia Dei establishment in his Diocese, "anticipating," according to his words, the forthcoming reform of the Motu Proprio “Summorum Pontificum”.

This shows that there is still a way to go before The Tridentine Mass is finally liberated. It also shows how prudent Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's position was. Through his unwavering attachment to the integral truth of Catholic Doctrine, he bequeathed to his sons the legacy of an authentic freedom which protects them from abuse of power by the Episcopate.

(Sources: La Lettre de Paix liturgique/Le Salon beige – FSSPX.Actualités)
Illustration: Arcidiocesidi Ferrara-Comacchio & capture d’écran YouTube.

Thursday 15 July 2021

Establishment Of Two Personal Parishes For The Traditional Mass In Italy And France.

Archbishop Gian Carlo Perego and Bishop Bernard Ginoux.
Illustration: FSSPX NEWS

This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at,

The Archbishop of Ferrara, in Italy, and The Bishop of Montauban, in France, have both established Personal Parishes in their respective Dioceses. These two Parishes will be Dedicated to The Traditional Roman Rite.

Firstly, the definition of a “Personal Parish” should be noted. Normally, a Parish is “Territorial,” that is, it is delimited according to geographical boundaries. It welcomes as Parishioners all those who reside within these limits.

Alternately, a Personal Parish is not so limited, but welcomes Parishioners who are Members of a particular institution like The Army, or, of a Special Rite, like The Eastern Rites in Latin-Rite Countries.

So, these new Personal Parishes will welcome any of The Faithful wishing to attend The Tridentine Rite.

The Archbishop of Ferrara, Monsignor Gian Carlo Perego, is not a Bishop with Traditional tendencies; indeed, he was appointed to reverse that tendency of his predecessor, Monsignor Luigi Negri.

However, he set up this Personal Parish in his Diocese on 9 June 2021 - the third such Parish in Italy - which he has entrusted to a Diocesan Priest.

It is likely that this process had been in the works for some time. But, all the same, it is notable that the various rumours which agitate Italy, and which Monsignor Perego cannot ignore, have not in any way deterred him.

The Pastor of the Diocese of Montauban, France, is Bishop Bernard Ginoux, who has a reputation as a Conservative Bishop. Its establishment is dated 29 June 2021, and it is the fifth in France.

The Personal Parish is located in Gasseras, on the outskirts of Montauban, and is entrusted to The Institute of Christ The King Sovereign Priest, an Ecclesia Dei Community. It is true that the tendency of the Bishops of France is to want to control the Celebrations according to the old Roman Rite, and that is why they rarely welcome such a Community.

Of course, we should be delighted to see The Traditional Mass spreading, but the fact remains that these concessions remain fragile, subject to the good will - or bad will - of the Bishops. Thus, the Bishop of Dijon, Monsignor Roland Minnerath, has just closed an Ecclesia Dei establishment in his Diocese, "anticipating," according to his words, the forthcoming reform of the Motu Proprio “Summorum Pontificum”.

This shows that there is still a way to go before The Tridentine Mass is finally liberated. It also shows how prudent Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre's position was. Through his unwavering attachment to the integral truth of Catholic Doctrine, he bequeathed to his sons the legacy of an authentic freedom which protects them from abuse of power by the Episcopate.

(Sources: La Lettre de Paix liturgique/Le Salon beige – FSSPX.Actualités)
Illustration: Arcidiocesidi Ferrara-Comacchio & capture d’écran YouTube.

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