Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.
Showing posts with label Missale Romanum Supplements For England And Wales.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Missale Romanum Supplements For England And Wales.. Show all posts

Thursday 9 November 2023

Missale Romanum Supplements For England And Wales.

Missale Romanum Supplements For England And Wales.

Text and Illustrations from SOCIETY OF ST. BEDE

This is part of a project to produce Missal Supplements for the FSSP Altar Missal, 

This project will involve several stages:

1. To collect the texts of the Propers, to be added below, and carefully Proof-Read. Completed.

2. To choose a format for the Supplement, either separate Diocesan Supplements or a Countrywide Supplement. Completed.

3. To look into making Supplements for the Dioceses that have been created Post-1962: Arundel and Brighton; East Anglia; Wrexham; Hallam.

4. To look at producing other Supplements.

The Web-Site of the Society of St. Bede can be found HERE

Some points to note:

1. Diocesan Calendars are problematic, as, not only do we have the various changes coming thick and fast from Rome, we also do not have one reliable source for these Calendars. 

We have used the LMS Ordo as the basis for these Supplements. 

A discussion of the problem of compiling a Calendar and the relevant Supplements can be found in the introduction to the Latin Mass Society Ordo.

Is it the Typical Edition of June 1962 ?, or an Edition with the last textual changes, circa November 1962 ?

We will follow the FSSP in choosing the end of December 1962.

3. Many Priests are using older Calendars and Rubrics, so we will also produce a set of Supplements dated 1935 for England and Wales. 

We have chosen 1935 for two reasons: Firstly, because it is before the wreckovators began to lay waste to the ancient Roman Missal, and, secondly, we also have a number of Calendars from around that time.

We also intend to produce UVOC style Latin / English Propers sheets for these Feasts. These will be found in the Sanctoral Cycle Latin / English Propers.

Calendar of Feasts for England and Wales.

With links to UVOC Propers sheets.


29th: Bd. Cuthbert Maine: Westminster, Leicester, Liverpool, Northampton and Plymouth.


1st: BB Richard Whiting: Westminster.
1st: BB Edmund Campion: Northampton and Portsmouth.
1st: St. Edmund Campion, Ralph Sherwin and Alexander Bryant.
1st: BD. Ralph Sherwin: Nottingham.
BB. Martyrs of Oxford University: Birmingham.
BD. John Beche: Brentwood.
4th: St. Osmund: Westminster, Plymouth and Clifton.
5th: St.Birinus: Birmingham and Portsmouth
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