unless stated otherwise.
Saint Chrysogonus.
Feast Day 24 November.
Red Vestments.
English: Saint Chrysogonus on horseback.
Français: Saint Chrysogone d'Aquilée à cheval.
Italiano: San Crisógono a caballo.
Artist: Michele Giambono (1400–1462).
Date: Circa 1450.
Collection: San Trovaso (Dedicated to
Saints Gervasius and Protasius) is a Church in the
Photo: 22 May 2017.
Source: Own work.
Photographer: Didier Descouens
This File is Licensed under The Creative Commons
(Wikimedia Commons)
“The birth in Heaven,”, says The Roman Martyrology, “of Saint Chrysogonus, Martyr, who, after having been long in chains, and in prison for The Faith of Christ, having endured these torments with the greatest fortitude, was taken to Aquileia, Italy, by Order of Emperor Diocletian, and there beheaded and thrown into the sea. Such was his glorious Martyrdom.”
Saint Chrysogonus is mentioned in The Canon of The Mass, and, in his Church at Rome, is held The Station on Monday in Passion Week.
Mass: In virtúte.
Basilica of Saint Chrysogonus,
Trastevere, Rome.
Photo: September 3006.
Source: Own work.
Author: Lalupa
(Wikimedia Commons)