unless stated otherwise.
Saint John Of The Cross.
Doctor Of The Church.
Feast Day 24 November.
White Vestments.
English: Statue of Saint John of The Cross (Right),
The Chapel of the Convent of The Barefoot Carmelites,
Segovia, Spain.
Statue (Left) is Saint Mary Magdalene de' Pazzi, O.Carm.
Español: Segovia - Convento de los Carmelitas Descalzos, Capilla de San Juan de la Cruz.
Photo: 19 March 2017.
Source: Own work.
Author: Zarateman
(Wikimedia Commons)
After Commemorating Saint Teresa of Ávila, who reformed The Order of Mount Carmel, The Church, on this day, honours Saint John of The Cross, who gave her his powerful help in this great work. It was through him that Saint Teresa introduced The Primitive Observance among The Friars of Carmel, as she had done for the Nuns.
He was, in the judgement of The Holy See, the equal of Saint Teresa of Ávila in explaining Divine Mysteries.
“John of The Cross,” said Saint Teresa, “was one of the purest Souls in The Church; God endowed him with great treasures of light, and his understanding was replete with the science of Saints.”
Statues of Saint John of The Cross and Saint Teresa of Ávila
in La Plaza de Las Carmelitas, Beas de Segura, Spain.
Photo: 24 May 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: Cosasdebeas
(Wikimedia Commons)
Born in Old Castile in 1542, he took the name of “John of The Cross” on entering The Order of The Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel. He had a great devotion to The Passion of Our Lord and his most conspicuous virtue was an abnegation so perfect that he sought after suffering and humiliation (Collect).
He often besought God not to let him pass a day without suffering and to permit him to die where he would be unknown to all. His Prayer was fully heard, for the reform of The Order of Carmel caused him many troubles.
Struck down at Ubeda, Spain, by a cruel disease, he died embracing The Crucifix and exclaiming: “Glory to God,” This was in 1591. He was proclaimed a Doctor of The Church by Pope Pius XI and, by Decree of 24 November 1926, his Mass was altered to the present one.
Mass: In médio.
Commemoration: Saint Chrysogonus.