Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.
Showing posts with label Saturday Of The Second Week In Lent. Lenten Station Is The Basilica Of Saint Marcellinus And Saint Peter.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saturday Of The Second Week In Lent. Lenten Station Is The Basilica Of Saint Marcellinus And Saint Peter.. Show all posts

Saturday 11 March 2023

The Saturday Of The Second Week In Lent. The Lenten Station Is At The Basilica Of Saint Marcellinus And Saint Peter.

Canterbury Cathedral.
Photo Credit: A. G. Baxter.
lllustration: SHUTTERSTOCK

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saturday of The Second Week in Lent.

Station at Saint Marcellinus and Saint Peter.

Indulgence of 10 Years and 10 Quarantines.

Violet Vestments.

English: Basilica of Saint Marcellinus and Saint Peter.
Italiano: Basilica Santi Marcellino e Pietro al Laterano.
Photo: 23 March 2010.
Source: Own work.
Author: LPLT
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Station is in the Basilica Founded by Saint Helen, where were buried the bodies of Saint Marcellinus, Priest, and Saint Peter, Exorcist, Martyred at Rome during The Diocletian Persecution. Their names are mentioned in The Canon of The Mass. This Church was one of the twenty-five Roman Parish Churches in the 5th-Century A.D.

As yesterday, the Epistle and Gospel repeat, in figure and Parable, lessons to The Catechumens and Public Penitents.

Isaac had two sons. Esau represents The People of God who sell their birthright to gratify their carnal appetite. Jacob represents the Gentiles, who check their passions and are Blessed by Heaven.

English: Church of Saints Marcellino and Peter,
Cremona, Italy.
Italiano: Chiesa dei Santi Marcellino e Pietro.
Location: CremonaLombardy, Italy.
Photo: 26 September 2013.
Source: Own work.
Author: Mattana
(Wikimedia Commons)

Jesus, in the same way, said: A man had two sons: The elder is the Jewish element of the primitive Church, which is scandalised at the vocation of the Gentiles and is loathe to associate with them; the Prodigal is the pagan element.

After having wasted all The Gifts of God, these unhappy people mourn their sins and atone for them; they come to Jesus, Who opens His Arms to them, presses them to His Heart, and satisfies their hunger with His Sacred Body and Precious Blood in The Eucharistic Feast.

Let us ask God to Bless our Lenten Fast, so that the mortification of our flesh may bring health to our Souls (Collect).

Mass: Lex Dómine.
Preface: Of Lent.

Basilica of Saint Marcellinus and Saint Peter, Rome.
Photo: October 2006.
Source: Own work.
Author: Lalupa.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Santi Marcellino e Pietro al Laterano is a Roman Catholic Parish and Titular Church in Rome. It is Dedicated to Saints Marcellinus and Peter, 4th-Century A.D. Roman Martyrs, whose Relics were brought here in 1256.

The first Church on the site was built by Pope Siricius in the 4th-Century A.D., close to the Via Labicana’s Catacombs of Marcellinus and Peter, with an adjoining Hospice, which became a Centre for Pilgrims. This Church was restored by Pope Gregory III in the 8th-Century A.D.

[Ever since these early Centuries, it has been among Rome’s Stational Churches (for Saturday of The Second Week in Lent). In the 9th-Century A.D., when Christian Churches began to be built in Germany and were in need of Relics, the Remains of Saints Marcellinus and Peter were Transferred from The Catacomb, where they still rested, to Seligenstadt, Germany.]

Church of Saint Marcellinus and Saint Peter,
Seligenstadt, Germany.
Photo: 5 September 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: Agridecumantes.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Seligenstadt, Germany.
Photo: 15 November 2014.
Source: Own work.
Author: © 1971markus
Attribution: ©
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Church was again restored in 1256 [by Pope Alexander IV, and the Martyrs’ Relics were returned.] (Also, under The High Altar is an urn containing Relics of Saint Marcia.)

On the Left Side, is an Altar Dedicated to The Blessed Virgin, with a Copy of Guido Reni's “The Virgin in Glory with Angels, Saint Joseph and Saint Rita”. Next to it, is The Chapel of Reconciliation.

English: My parents’ wedding. Inside the “Chiesa dei Santi Marcellino e Pietro” [Church of Saint Marcellinus and Saint Peter], Imbersago, Lombardy, Italy.
Italiano: Matrimonio dei miei genitori. Interno della “Chiesa dei Santi Marcellino e Pietro” a Imbersago, Italia (prima del restauro).
Photo: 12 September 1972.
Source: Own work.
Author: Jalo
(Wikimedia Commons)

An image of The Dedicatees was placed on The First Column on The Left, from the Entrance, during this Restoration, with an Inscription recording the Restoration. The Hospice and Church were then given, in 1276, to The Confraternity of Those Commended to The Saviour.

The present Church is the result of Pope Benedict XIV’s 1751 rebuild, leaving it with its present cube-shaped Exterior, divided by Pilaster Strips in a style close to Neo-Classicism, Borromini-influenced Dome, façade by Girolamo Theodoli, and Altarpiece by Gaetano Lapis, depicting The Dedicatees’ Martyrdom.

After that Restoration, the Church was given to The Discalced Carmelites, who Served it until 1906. A small Chapel to Our Lady of Lourdes was Dedicated at the South-East (next to a Chapel of Saint Gregory The Great), with a new Ceiling painting of Our Lady, by N. Caselli, in 1903. Since 1911, it has been a Parochial Church, Served by Diocesan Clergy.
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