Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.
Showing posts with label The Mass Association Of The Canons Regular Of Saint John Cantius. Chicago. Illinois.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Mass Association Of The Canons Regular Of Saint John Cantius. Chicago. Illinois.. Show all posts

Sunday 27 August 2017

The Mass Association Of The Canons Regular Of Saint John Cantius, Chicago, Illinois.

Mass Association of the Canons Regular

Perpetual Enrollment

Annual Enrollment

Text and Illustrations: SAINT JOHN CANTIUS

We offer The Mass for the Souls of The Faithful Departed enrolled in The Perpetual Society.

The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass is also offered for the living Members of The Perpetual Mass Society.

Saint Peter Julian Eymard once said: “Know, O Christian, that The Mass is The Holiest Act of Religion. You cannot do anything to Glorify God more, nor profit your Soul more, than by Devoutly Assisting at it, and Assisting as often as possible.”

The Web-Site of 
The Canons Regular of Saint Cantius can be found
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