unless stated otherwise.
The Second Day Within The Octave Of The Immaculate Conception.
9 December.
White Vestments.
The Immaculate Conception.
Artist: Anonymous.
Date: 17th-Century.
Current location: Museo Carmen Thyssen, Malaga, Spain.
Source: http://www.carmenthyssenmalaga.org/
Author: Anonymous.
(Wikimedia Commons)
The Church prolongs within eight days The Feast of Mary's Victory over the devil and repeats The Mass Celebrated yesterday.
The most important Feasts of The Virgin are The Assumption and The Immaculate Conception, both of The First Class and both with an Octave.
That is why each day The Creed is Said or Sung, that Profession of Faith fixed at The Council of Constantinople, which was only Chanted when the attendance in Church was very large.
Let us prepare for The Birth of Christ, in our hearts, by adorning them with a little of His Mother's Purity.
Mass: As on The Feast of The Immaculate Conception.
Second Collect: Of The Feria.
Third Collect: Of The Holy Ghost.
Creed: Is Said or Sung.
Preface: Of The Blessed Virgin Mary.