Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.
Showing posts with label Watch “The Tears Of Saint Laurence” In August. Meteor Shower Named After A Saint.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Watch “The Tears Of Saint Laurence” In August. Meteor Shower Named After A Saint.. Show all posts

Wednesday 14 August 2019

Watch “The Tears Of Saint Laurence” In August. Meteor Shower Named After A Saint.

Perseid Meteor Shower.
Photo Credit: Benjamin Schaefer, via Shutterstock.

Star-gazing might not be the first thing that comes to mind when Catholics think of Saint Laurence, the Early-Christian Martyr who was cooked to death by the Romans on an outdoor grill.

But, every August, Catholics have the chance to see a Meteor Shower named in his honour.

The Perseids Meteor Shower, also called “The Tears of Saint Laurence,” is a Meteor Shower associated with the Comet “Swift-Tuttle”, which drops dust and debris in Earth’s orbit on its 133-year trip around the Sun. (The Comet poses no immediate threat to Earth, at least not for several thousand years.)

As Earth orbits the Sun, it hits pieces of left-behind debris from the Comet, causing them to burn up in Earth’s atmosphere.

This creates a prolific Meteor Shower that can best be seen in the Northern Hemisphere from Late-July to Early-August, usually peaking around 10 August, The Feast Day of Saint Laurence. 

During its peak, the rate of Meteors reaches sixty or more, per hour.

The name “Perseids” comes from the Constellation “Perseus”, named for a character in Greek Mythology, and the radiant of the Shower, or the point, from which it appears to originate.

The name “Tears of Saint Laurence” came from the association with his Feast Day and from the legends that built up around the Saint after his death.

Saint Laurence was Martyred on 10 August 258 A.D., during the Persecution of Emperor Valerian, along with many other members of The Roman Clergy. He was the last of the seven Deacons of Rome to die.

After the Pope, Sixtus II, was Martyred on 6 August, Laurence became the principal authority of The Roman Church, having been The Church's Treasurer.

When he was summoned before the executioners, Laurence was ordered to bring all the wealth of The Church with him. He showed up with a handful of crippled, poor, and sick men, and, when questioned, replied that: "These are the true wealth of The Church."

He was immediately sent to his death, being cooked alive on a grid-iron. Legend has it that one of his last words was a joke about his method of execution, as he quipped to his killers: “ Turn me over, I’m done on this side !!! ”

Catholics began calling the Meteors “The Tears of Saint Laurence,” even though the celestial phenomenon pre-dates the Saint.

Some Italian lore also holds that the fiery bits of debris seen during a Meteor Shower are representative of the coals that killed Saint Laurence.

Anyone in The Northern Hemisphere should be able to view “The Tears of Saint Laurence” best on the nights of 11 August and 12 August, this year. The Meteors will Shower from various points in the sky, rather than from one particular direction.

For the best viewing, it is recommended to go to a rural area away from light pollution.
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