Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.

Wednesday 27 May 2020

Saint John I. Pope And Martyr. Who Reigned From 523 A.D. - 526 A.D. Feast Day 27 May.

Text, unless stated otherwise, is from “The Liturgical Year”,
by Abbot Gueranger, O.S.B.
Translated from the French by Dom Laurence Shepherd, O.S.B.
Volume 8, Paschal Time, Book II.
Re-published by St. Bonaventure Publications, July 2000.

Illustration of Pope Saint John I.
Date: 1911.
Author: Artaud de Montor, Alexis François.
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Palm of Martyrdom was won by this holy Pope, not in a victory over a pagan persecutor, but in battling for The Church's liberty against a Christian King. But the King was a Heretic and, therefore, an enemy of every Pontiff that was zealous for the triumph of The True Faith.

The state of Christ's Vicar, here on Earth, is a state of combat; and it frequently happens that a Pope is veritably a Martyr, without having shed his blood. Pope Saint John I, whom we honour, today, was not slain by the sword; a loathsome dungeon was the instrument of his Martyrdom; but there are many Popes who are now in Heaven with him, Martyrs, like himself, who never even passed a day in prison or in chains; the Vatican was their Calvary.

They conquered, yet fell in the struggle with so little appearance of victory, that Heaven had to take up the defence of their reputation, as was the case with that angelic Pontiff of the 18th-Century, Pope Clement XIII.

Today's Saint (Pope Saint John I) teaches us, by his conduct, what should be the sentiment of every worthy member of The Church. He teaches us that we should never make a compromise with Heresy, nor approve the measures taken by Worldly policy for securing what it calls the rights of Heresy.

If the past ages, aided by the Religious indifference of governments, have introduced the toleration of all Religions, or even the principle that "all Religions are to be treated alike by the State," let us, if we will, put up with this latitudinarianism, and be glad to see that The Church, in virtue of it, is guaranteed from legal persecution; but, as Catholics, we can never look upon it as an absolute good.

Whatever may be the circumstances in which Providence has placed us, we are bound to conform our views to the principles of our Holy Faith, and to the infallible teaching and practice of The Church - out of which there is but contradiction, danger and infidelity.

The Holy Liturgy thus extols the virtues and courage of our Saint, Pope Saint John I.

This image is a faithful representation of an icon
inside the Basilica of Saint Paul-Outside-the-Walls.
See for documentation.
Source: ("Pope's Photo Gallery").
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Pope John I (Latin: Ioannes PP. I, Italian: Giovanni I; circa 470 A.D. – 18 May 526 A.D.) was Pope from 13 August 523 A.D. to 18 May 526 A.D. He was a native of Siena (or the "Castello di Serena"), near Chiusdino, in Italy. He is the first Pope known to have visited Constantinople while in Office.

While a Deacon, in Rome, he is known to have been a partisan of the Anti-Pope, Laurentius, for, in a “Libellus”, written to Pope Symmachus in 506 A.D, John confessed his error in opposing him, condemned Peter of Altinum and Laurentius, and begged pardon of Symmachus.

He would then be the "Deacon John" who signed the “Acta” (Ecclesiastic Publication) of The Roman Synod of 499 A.D., and 502 A.D.; the fact The Roman Church only had seven Deacons, at the time, makes identifying him with this person very likely. He may also be the "Deacon John" to whom Bœthius, the 6th-Century A.D. philosopher, dedicated three of his five Religious “Tractates”, or “Treatises”, written between 512 A.D., and 520 A.D.

John was very frail when he was Elected to The Papacy as Pope John I. Despite his protests, Pope John was sent by the Arian King, Theodoric the Great, - Ruler of The Ostrogoths, a Kingdom in present-day Italy - to Constantinople, to secure a moderation of a Decree against The Arians, issued in 523 A.D., of Emperor Justin, Ruler of The Byzantine, or East Roman, Empire.

King Theodoric threatened that, if John should fail in his mission, there would be reprisals against The Orthodox, or non-Arian, Catholics in The West. John proceeded to Constantinople with a considerable entourage: His Religious companions included Bishop Ecclesius of Ravenna, Bishop Eusebius of Fanum Fortunae, and Sabinus of Campania. His secular companions were the Senators, Flavius Theodorus, Inportunus, Agapitus, and the patrician Agapitus.

Emperor Justin is recorded as receiving John honourably and promised to do everything the embassy asked of him, with the exception of restoring converts from Arianism to Catholicism to their original beliefs. Although John was successful in his mission, when he returned to Ravenna, Theodoric's Capital in Italy, Theodoric had John arrested on the suspicion of having conspired with Emperor Justin. John was imprisoned at Ravenna, where he died of neglect and ill treatment. His body was transported to Rome and buried in the Basilica of Saint Peter.

The Liber Pontificalis credits John with making repairs to the Cemetery of The Martyrs, Nereus and Achilleus, on the Via Ardeatina, that of Saints Felix and Adauctus, and the Cemetery of Priscilla.

Pope John I is depicted in art as looking through the bars of a prison, or imprisoned with a Deacon and a Sub-Deacon. He is Venerated at Ravenna and in Tuscany.

The following Text is from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal.

Saint John I.
   Pope and Martyr.
   Feast Day 27 May.


Red Vestments.

Pope Saint John I (523 A.D. - 526 A.D.) governed The Church at the time when the Arian King Theoderic ravaged Italy. This King, having artfully enticed him to Ravenna, caused him to be thrown into a dark dungeon where he died.

His body was buried in Rome in the Basilica of Saint Peter.

Mass: In Paschaltime: Protexisti.
Mass: Out of Paschaltime: Sacerdotes Dei.

Saint Bede The Venerable. Confessor. Doctor Of The Church. Feast Day 27 May.

Text is from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Bede The Venerable.
   Confessor and Doctor.
   Feast Day 27 May.


White Vestments.

The Venerable Bede,
translating The Gospel of John, on his deathbed.
Artist: James Doyle Penrose.
Date: 1902.
Exhibition History: Royal Academy Summer Exhibition,
(Wikimedia Commons)

Born at Yarrow, in Northumberland, England, Bede was committed, as a child, to Saint Benedict Bishop, Abbot of The Benedictine Monastery at Wearmouth.

The Holy Ghost filled him with Wisdom and Intelligence (Introit), wherefore his writings, penetrated by Holy Doctrine (Epistle), were read aloud in the Churches, even in his lifetime. As it was not permissible to call him "Saint", he was called "The Venerable," a Title he kept after his death.

He was one of the most learned Churchmen in the 8th-Century A.D., and his name is found among those of The Doctors of The Church.

Not satisfied with teaching men The Law and The Prophets, he also practised the most beautiful Virtues (Gospel). On The Eve of The Ascension, he received The Last Sacraments, embraced his brethren, lay down on the ground upon his hair cloth, said twice "Glory be to The Father, and to The Son, and to The Holy Ghost", and fell asleep in The Lord on 27 May 735 A.D.

Let us honour Saint Bede, The Holy Doctor, that we may always be enlightened by his Wisdom and helped by his Merits (Collect).

Mass: In médio.
Commemoration: Saint John I
   (Collects: from Mass: Sacerdótes Dei).

Tomb of The Venerable Bede,
Durham Cathedral, Durham, England.
Photo: 4 May 2008.
Author: robert scarth
(Wikimedia Commons)

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Bede (Old English: Bǣda or Bēda; 672 A.D. – 26 May 735 A.D.), also referred to as Saint Bede or The Venerable Bede (Latin: Bēda Venerābilis), was an English Monk at the Monastery of Saint Peter at Monkwearmouth and its companion Monastery, Saint Paul's, in modern-day Jarrow (see Monkwearmouth-Jarrow), Northeast England, both of which were located in the Kingdom of Northumbria. He is well known as an author and scholar, and his most famous work, Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum (The Ecclesiastical History of The English People) gained him the Title of "The Father of English History".

In 1899, Bede was made a Doctor of The Church by Pope Leo XIII; he is the only native of Great Britain to achieve this designation (Anselm of Canterbury, also a Doctor of The Church, was originally from Italy). Bede was, moreover, a skilled linguist and translator, and his work made the Latin and Greek writings of The Early Church Fathers much more accessible to his fellow Anglo-Saxons, contributing significantly to English Christianity. Bede's Monastery had access to an impressive Library, which included works by Eusebius and Orosius, among many others.

Tuesday 26 May 2020

High Mass (Grand Messe). The Feast of The Ascension. Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet Church. Paris, France.

The Lady Chapel
(Chapelle de la Vierge),
Saint Nicolas du Chardonnet Church,
Paris, France.
Photo: 27 December 2015.
Source: Own work.
This file is licensed under the
Author: Mbzt
(Wikimedia Commons)

High Mass.
The Feast of The Ascension.
Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet Church.
Paris, France.
Available on YouTube at

Saint Eleutherius. Pope And Martyr. He Reigned From 174 A.D. - 189 A.D. Feast Day 26 May.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Eleutherius.
   Pope And Martyr.
   Feast Day 26 May.


Red Vestments.

Pope Saint Eleutherius
from "The Lives and Times of the Popes"
by Chevalier Artaud de Montor, New York:
Catholic Publication Society of America, 1911.
Published 1842.
Date: 6 June 2013.
Author: Artaud de Montor (1772–1849).
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Eleutherius governed The Church during the period that followed the persecution of the Emperor Commodus.

Faith, at the time, made great progress in the whole World. After a Pontificate lasting fifteen years, he died in 189 A.D., and was buried on The Vatican Hill, near the body of Saint Peter.

Mass: In Paschaltide: Protexisti.
Mass: Out of Paschaltide: Státuit.

The Counter-Reformation Saints' Club And Its Natural Leader, Saint Philip Neri. A Short Talk Given By Reverend Timothy Finigan.

The Counter-Reformation Saints' Club
And Its Natural Leader, Saint Philip Neri.
A Short Talk By Reverend Fr. Timothy Finigan.
Available on YouTube at

Saint Philip Neri (1515 - 1595). Confessor. Feast Day, Today, 26 May.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Philip Neri.
   Feast Day 26 May.


White Vestments.

Painting of Saint Philip Neri.
Artist: Unknown.
This File: 6 March 2006.
User: Mathiasrex
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Philip Neri.
Available on YouTube at

Saint Philip, born at Florence in the 16th-Century, left everything to serve The Divine Master (Gospel), and Founded The Congregation of The Oratory.

The Holy Ghost had inflamed him with such love for God (Introit, Alleluia, Secret), that the palpitations of his heart bent two of his ribs (Communion).

He would spend whole nights in the contemplation of Heavenly things, and The Spirit of Truth "taught him true Wisdom" (Epistle). His conversations with Jesus filled him with such joy that he exclaimed: "Enough, Love, enough !"

He loved young men: "Amuse yourselves," he said to them, "but do not offend God."

He died in 1595 on The Feast of Corpus Christi.

Like Saint Philip, with our hearts full of a holy and loving joy, let us run in the way of the commandments of God (Collect).

Mass: Cáritas Dei.
Commemoration: Saint Eleutherius.

Monday 25 May 2020

Saint Urban I (Reigned 222 A.D. - 230 A.D.). Pope And Martyr. Feast Day 25 May.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Urban I.
   Pope and Martyr.
   Feast Day 25 May.


Red Vestments.

English: Pope Saint Urban I
(Papacy 222 A.D. - 230 A.D.), wearing The Papal Tiara.
Polski: Pomnik świętego Urbana w Cieszowej
Photo: 12 July 2006.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Date: 12 December 2007.
Author: F l a n k e r
(Wikimedia Commons)

This Holy Pope is believed to have been the same Urban who Baptised Valerian (husband of Saint Cecilia), Tiburtius (brother of Valerian), and Maximus (their gaoler (jailer)), whom we honoured on 14 April.

Pope Saint Urban I was Martyred in 230 A.D.

Mass: Protexísti.

A 12th-Century fresco of Pope Saint Urban I in a window embrasure
in the Church of Chalivoy-Milon, France (see, below).
(Google Images)

English: Church in Chalivoy-Milon, France,
containing a fresco of Pope Saint Urban I (see, above).
Français: Église de Chalivoy-Milon, France.
Photo: 25 August 2011.
Source: Own work.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saint Urban I.
Pope and Martyr.
Available on YouTube at

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia.

Pope Urban I (Latin: Urbanus I) was Bishop of Rome, or Pope, from 222 A.D. to 230 A.D. He was born in Rome and succeeded Pope Callixtus I, who had been Martyred.

Much of Urban's life is shrouded in mystery, leading to many myths and misconceptions. Despite the lack of sources, he is the first Pope whose Reign can be definitely dated. Two prominent sources do exist for Urban's Pontificate: Eusebius' History of The Early Church and also an inscription, in the Coemeterium Callisti, which names the Pope.

Urban ascended to The Chair of Saint Peter in the year of The Roman Emperor Elagabalus' assassination and served during the Reign of Alexander Severus. It is believed that Urban's Pontificate was during a peaceful time for Christians in The Empire, as Severus did not promote the persecution of Christianity.

Saint Urban I is a Canonised Saint of The Roman Catholic Church and The Eastern Orthodox Church.

Saint Gregory VII (1073-1085). Pope And Confessor. Feast Day 25 May.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless otherwise stated.

Saint Gregory VII.
   Pope and Confessor.
   Feast Day 25 May.


White Vestments.

Pope Saint Gregory VII
Celebrating Mass (inspired by The Holy Ghost).
Date: 1878.
Source: Scanned by Uploader.
Page 292 of Little Pictorial Lives Of The Saints.
Benzinger Brothers.
Author: Unknown.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Pope Saint Gregory VII.
Available on YouTube at

Born at Soana, Tuscany, Italy, Hildebrand became a Monk in the famous Benedictine Monastery of Cluny, on which, at the time, depended two thousand Monasteries. He soon became Prior, and was later Elected Abbot of the Monastery of Saint Paul-Without-the-Walls, Rome, and made a Cardinal of The Roman Church.

At the death of Pope Alexander II, in 1073, he was Elected Pope and took the name of Gregory VII. Thus, entrusted with the government of The House of God (Gospel, Communion), he participated in the full Priesthood of Jesus (Introit, Epistle).

At a time when the Bishops, mostly "Simoniacal", were the dependents of Lay Princes, he strove with such constancy to defend the liberty of The Church (Collect) that, as we are assured, no Pontiff, since the time of The Apostles, undertook more labours for her (The Church) or fought more courageously for her independence.

While he was saying Mass, a Dove was seen to come down on him: The Holy Ghost thereby bore witness of the Supernatural views that guided him in the government of The Church. Forced to leave Rome, he died at Salerno in 1085, saying those words, the first of which are from Psalm XLIV: "I have loved justice and hated iniquity: That is why I die in exile."

Following the example of Saint Gregory, let us overcome with courage all adversities (Collect).

Mass: Státuit.
Commemoration: Of Saint Urban I.

Sunday 24 May 2020

“Quanta Cura Encyclical”. A Study Of “The Syllabus Of Errors”, Which Was Issued By Blessed Pope Pius IX On 8 December 1864, The Feast Of The Immaculate Conception.

Blessed Pope Pius IX
(“Pio Nono”).
Artist: George Peter Alexander Healy (1813–1894).
Date: 1871.
(Wikimedia Commons)


Event Description

Eager to expose the lies of Modernism,
Blessed Pope Pius IX issued a list of eighty condemned beliefs.
Become informed about these falsehoods
which actively dominate popular thought.


William Marshner, S.T.D.

Dr. William Marshner is a founding faculty member at Christendom College and served continuously as Professor of Theology until his retirement from teaching in 2015. A well-known author and Protestant Convert to The Catholic Church, Dr. William Marshner has lectured widely on topics ranging from Islam to The Heresy of Modernism.

Below, is the 2019 Illustration from INSTITUTE OF CATHOLIC CULTURE.

This Lecture is still available to watch and/or listen to.

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This Article is taken from, and can be read in full at,

By: David Clayton.

I thought that NLM Readers might be interested in this series of Seminars that just came to my notice, a study of "The Syllabus of Errors", issued by Blessed Pope Pius IX in 1864, which is being led by Dr William Marshner, Professor Emeritus of Theology at Christendom College.

Each Seminar is recorded and accessible on The Institute of Catholic Culture Web-Site. You can register at REGISTRATION

Eager to expose The Lies of Modernism,
Blessed Pope Pius IX issued a List
of eighty condemned beliefs.

Become informed about these falsehoods,
which actively dominate popular thought.

Register to watch and/or listen to this fascinating subject

I encourage Readers to look at the Schedule of their other Events, including, for example, a Lecture on the Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins, by Joseph Pearce. Go here for more details.

The following Text is taken from Wikimedia - the free encyclopædia.

The Syllabus of Errors (Latin: Syllabus Errorum) is a Document issued by The Holy See under Blessed Pope Pius IX on 8 December 1864, The Feast of The Immaculate Conception, as an Annex to The Quanta Cura Encyclical.

It condemns a total of eighty errors, or heresies, and, through that, promulgated Catholic Church Teaching on a number of Philosophical and Political questions, and referred to Documents issued previously.

Reaction from Catholics was mixed, while that from Protestants was uniformly negative. The Document remains controversial, and has been cited on numerous occasions by both Catholic Traditionalists, seeking to uphold Traditional Catholic values, and Anti-Catholics seeking to criticise The Church’s positions.

The purpose of “The Syllabus of Errors” was not to explain in depth “The Errors”, themselves, but only provide a list of them, with a short paraphrasing of “The Error” and references to the corresponding Papal Documents.

The actual Encyclicals, listed, reveal what it is about “The Error” that is incorrect, and, in which situations or nuances or emphasis.

In order to understand The Pope’s argument against each Error, one must read, not only “The Error”, itself, but the Document to which it points.

In Festo Beatæ Mariæ Virginis. “Our Lady, Help Of Christians”. Sancta Maria Auxilium Christianorum. Nuestra Señora María Auxiliadora De Los Cristianos. Feast Day 24 May.

The Venerated image of “Mary, Help of Christians”
to which Pope Leo XIII granted a Canonical Coronation on 17 May 1903.
Date: Circa 1867.
Source: Own work.
Author: Tommaso Andrea Lorenzone (1824-1902),
at the request of Don Bosco.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Titulo Auxilium Christianorum.
Our Lady, Help Of Christians.
Feast Day 24 May.
Missale Romanum 1861.
Illustration: ZEPHYRINUS

The following Text is from Wikipedia - the free encyclopædia,
unless stated otherwise.

Mary, Help of Christians (Latin: Sancta Maria Auxilium Christianorum; Spanish: Nuestra Señora María Auxiliadora de los Cristianos; is a Roman Catholic Marian Devotion with a Feast Day Celebrated on 24 May.

Saint John Chrysostom was the first person to use this Marian Title (“Mary, Help Of Christians”) in 345 A.D. as a Devotion to The Virgin Mary. Don Bosco also propagated Marian Devotion under this Title. The Title of “Mary, Help of Christians” is associated with the defence of Christian Europe (Latin and Greek), the North of Africa, and The Middle East, from non-Christian peoples during The Middle Ages.

In 1572, during the expansion of The Islamic Ottoman Empire, which intended to invade Christian Europe, Pope Saint Pius V invoked Christian Armies, and its victory achieved was consequently attributed to the Intercession of Mary under this Title.

English: Treviso Cathedral. The Madonna Chapel.
A 19th-Century wooden statue of Mary, Help of Christians,
by Ferdinand Stuflesser, artist of Val Gardena, Italy.
Français : Cathédrale de Trévise - Chapelle de la Vierge - au centre une de l'autel une statue en bois récente du XIXe par Ferdinand Stuflesser, artiste de Val Gardena, Représentant Marie Auxiliatrice.
Italiano : Duomo di Treviso - Capella della Madonna - La statua lignea al centro dell'altare, opera recente (XIXe) di Ferdinand Stuflesser, artista della Val Gardena, rappresenta Maria Ausiliatrice.
Photo: 29 May 2016.
Source: Own work.
This file is copyrighted and has been released under a license which is incompatible with Facebook's licensing terms. It is not permitted to upload this file at Facebook.
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons
(Wikimedia Commons)

Ultimately, Pope Leo XIII granted a Canonical Coronation towards the Marian image bearing the same Title on 17 May 1903, now permanently enshrined within The Basilica of Mary, Help of Christians, Turin, Italy.

There are two inscriptions from the first Centuries of Christianity, in Greek, related to The Virgin Mary: : θεοτοκος (Teotokos, Theotokos, Mother of God) and βοηθεια (Boetheia, The Helper). The Fathers of The Church referred to Mary as "βοηθεια". Saint John Chrysostom used the Title in a Sermon of 345 A.D., Proclus in 476 A.D., and Sebas of Cæsarea in 532 A.D.

After The Patristic Period (5th-Century A.D.), other persons used it, e.g., Romanos The Melodist in 518 A.D., The Patriarch of Jerusalem, Sophronius, in 560 A.D., John of Damascus in 749 A.D., and German of Constantinople in 733 A.D.

Illustration from The Feast Day of Our Lady, Help of Christians.
24 May.
Missale Romanum 1861.
Illustration: ZEPHYRINUS

In the view of Fr. Johann G. Roten, SM, the Invocation of Mary as “Help of Christians” is part of the oldest Prayer addressed directly to Mary, the “Sub Tuum Præsidium”, which was found on a Papyrus dating, at the latest, from the end of the 3rd-Century A.D. “Præsidium” is translated as “an assistance given in time of War by fresh Troops in a strong manner.”[1]

Around 1576, Bernardino Cirillo, Arch-Priest of Loreto, published at Macerata, two Litanies of The Blessed Virgin, which, he contended, were used at Loreto. One is in a form which is entirely different from our present Text. Another form (“Aliæ litaniæ B.M.V.”) is identical to The Litany of Loreto approved by Pope Clement VIII in 1601 and now used throughout the entire Church.

This second form contains the Invocation “Auxilium Christianorum” (“Help of Christians”). Possibly, Soldiers returning from The Battle of Lepanto (7 October 1571) visited The Sanctuary of Loreto, and Saluted The Holy Virgin there for the first time with this new Title. It is more probable, however, that it is only a variation of the older Invocation “Advocata Christianorum”, found in a Litany of 1524.[2]

Our Lady, Help of Christians.
Patroness of Australia.
Available on YouTube at

Torsellini (1597) and The Roman Breviary (24 May, Appendix) say that Pope Saint Pius V inserted the Invocation in The Litany of Loreto after The Battle of Lepanto. But the form of The Litany, in which it is first found, was unknown at Rome at the time of Pope Saint Pius V.[3]

The Feast of Our Lady, Help of Christians, was instituted by Pope Pius VII. By order of Emperor Napoleon I of France, Pope Pius VII was arrested on 5 June 1808, and detained as a prisoner, first at Grenoble, France, and then at Fontainebleau, France.[4]

In January 1814, after The Battle of Leipzig, he was brought back to Savona, Italy, and set free on 17 March 1814, on the eve of The Feast of Our Lady of Mercy, The Patroness of Savona. The journey to Rome was a veritable triumphal march. The Pontiff, attributing the Victory of The Church, after so much agony and distress, to The Blessed Virgin, visited many of her Sanctuaries on the way and Crowned her images (e.g., “The Madonna del Monte” at Cesena, “della Misericordia” at Treja, “della Colonne” and “della Tempestà” at Tolentino).

English: Statue of Madonna and Child
in Siegenfeld (Heiligenkreuz), Lower Austria.
Deutsch: Marienstatue, sog. Bauernmadonna, in der Cholerakapelle
im Helenental, Ortsteil Siegenfeld, Gemeinde Heiligenkreuz, Niederösterreich.
Photo: 24 March 2019.
Source: Own work.
This file is licensed under the Creative Commons
(Wikimedia Commons)

The people crowded the streets to catch a glimpse of the Venerable Pontiff who had so bravely withstood the threats of Napoleon. He entered Rome on 24 May 1814, and was enthusiastically welcomed.[5] To Commemorate his own sufferings and those of The Church during his Exile, Pope Pius VII extended The Feast of The Seven Dolours of Mary to The Universal Church on 18 September 1814.

When Napoleon left Elba and returned to Paris, Murat was about to march through The Papal States from Naples (Joachim-Napoléon Murat, 25 March 1767 – 13 October 1815) was a Marshal of The French Empire and Admiral, during the reign of Emperor Napoleon I. He was also the first Prince Murat, Grand Duke of Berg, from 1806 to 1808, and King of Naples from 1808 to 1815.

Murat received his Titles, in part, by being Napoleon's brother-in-law through marriage to his younger sister, Caroline Bonaparte, as well as personal merit. He was noted as a daring, brave, and charismatic Cavalry Officer, as well as a flamboyant dresser, for which he was known as “The Dandy King”).

Pope Pius VII fled to Savona on 22 March 1815.[2] After The Congress of Vienna and The Battle of Waterloo, The Pope returned to Rome on 7 July 1815. To give thanks to God and Our Lady, on 15 September 1815, he declared 24 May, the Anniversary of his first return, to be henceforth The Feast of Our Lady, Help of Christians. The 1913 Catholic Encyclopaedia Article commented that: “It has spread nearly over the entire Latin Church, but is not contained in The Universal Calendar.”

Turin, Italy.
Founded by Saint John Bosco.
Photo: March 2007.
Source: Own work.
Author: Franco56
(Wikimedia Commons)

The Marian Feast has been Celebrated by The Order of Servites since the 17th-Century. The Veneration to Mary became popular under this Title in Rome, especially, where The Feast was promoted by Saint John Bosco and Saint Vincent Pallotti. [6]

Saint John Bosco was an ardent promoter of Devotion to “Mary, Help of Christians”. He even built a huge Basilica in her honour in 1868 and Founded a Religious Congregation for Women, under the Title of “The Daughters of Mary, Help of Christians”.

Interpreting the painting he had commissioned inside the Basilica, Saint John Bosco referred to it as depicting “Mary, Mother of The Church”. This suggests an identical connection to the way in which Popes have addressed Mary as both Mother and Help of The Church. Recall the two Marian Greek attributions of θεοτοκος (Teotokos, Theotokos, Mother of God) and βοηθεια (Boetheia, The Helper) at the start of this Article. Saint John Bosco, in fact, chose this Devotion because of its affinity to his Devotion to “The Church, The Bearer of Christ”.

English: Stained-Glass Window depicting Our Lady, Help of Christians.
Church of Saint John the Baptist, Ahrem, Germany.
Deutsch: Bleiglasfenster in der katholischen Pfarrkirche St. Johannes der Täufer, Ahrem, Darstellung: Anbetung der Madonna mit Kind.
Photo: 16 April 2011.
Source: Own work.
Author: Reinhardhauke
(Wikimedia Commons)

Vatican II, in the Constitution on The Church (Sections 61 and 62), cites this Title of Mary, placing it in the context of Mary's Maternal Role. “In an utterly singular way, she co-operated by her Obedience, Faith, Hope and Burning Charity in The Saviour’s Work of restoring Supernatural Life to Souls.

For this reason, she is a Mother to us in The Order of Grace . . . By her Maternal Charity, Mary cares for The Brethren of her Son, who still wander through this World in the midst of dangers and difficulties until they are led to the happiness of their Heavenly Home”.[7]

The Church has Traditionally focused on two aspects of Our Lady’s help on this Feast Day. Firstly, The Church focuses in this Feast on the role of Our Lady's Intercession in the fight against sin in the life of a Believer. Secondly, The Church focuses on Our Lady as one who assists Christians as a community, through her Intercession, in fighting against anti-Christian forces.

Michael Daniel observes that, while this approach may be regarded as outdated, in light of Vatican II, where the World and non-Christians elements therein were seen in a positive rather than a hostile or threatening light, it would seem that it would be naïve on the part of Christians to regard all Movements and all Social Trends as either good or harmless.[7]

The Dioceses of Tuscany adopted it on 12 February 1816. The Hymns of The Office were composed by Brandimarte.[8]

It became The Patronal Feast of Australasia, a “Double of The First-Class“ with an Octave.[9] After the Reforms of The Second Vatican Council, it was designated a Solemnity to be kept on the first available Sunday on or after 24 May.

The Fathers of The Foreign Missions of Paris, in accordance with a Vow (1891), Celebrated this Feast Day with great splendour in their Churches.

It has attained special renown since Don Bosco, Founder of The Salesian Congregation, Dedicated his Foundation to Our Lady, Help of Christians, The Mother Church of his Congregation at Turin, Italy, on 9 June 1868. The Salesians have carried the Devotion to their numerous establishments around the World.

It was established due to the great appreciation of Saint Don Bosco for this Marian Title, and the development of The Salesian Works in many Countries since the second-half of the 19th-Century. Although it is commonly associated with The Roman Catholic Church, The Orthodox Church has also known the Devotion since 1030 in Ukraine, when the Country was defended from a barbarian invasion.

The Salesian National Shrine of Our Lady, Help of Christians, is located in Stony Point, New York. There is also The National Shrine of Mary, Help of Christians, in Parañaque City, Philippines, which is also in the care of The Salesians of Don Bosco. [10]

The Abbey of Mary, Help of Christians, better known as Belmont Abbey, is a small American Monastery of Benedictine Monks in the Town of Belmont, Gaston County, North Carolina, outside of Charlotte, North Carolina. The Minor Basilica of Our Lady, Help of Christians, is listed on The National Register of Historic Places.[11]

There is a Chapel of Our Lady, Help of Christians, at the Basilica of The Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C.[12]

Under this Title, The Virgin Mary is Venerated by many Chinese Catholics, particularly at The Shrine of Our Lady of Sheshan. In May 2007, Pope Benedict XVI designated 24 May her Feast Day for The Roman Catholics in China, who face persecution and restriction from The Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association.

On 17 May 1903, Pope Leo XIII granted a Canonical Coronation to the famed image through his Papal Legate, Cardinal Agostino Richelmy, which is now permanently enshrined within The Basilica of Our Lady, Help of Christians, in Turin, Italy.

The High Altar, Mariahilferkirche
(Our Lady, Help of Christians) Church,
Haydnplatz, Vienna, Austria.
Photo: 27 December 2005.
Source: Own work.
This File: 16 February 2006.
User: Gryffindor
(Wikimedia Commons)

The same Pontiff also instructed The Sacred Congregation of Rites to assign Mary, under this Devotional Title (“Our Lady, Help of Christians), as the Official Patroness of Australia. She is also The Patron Saint of New Zealand, and, since 1924, of China.[13]

On 24 May 2009, Pope Benedict XVI, during his Regina Cæli Papal Address, invoked this Marian Patronage, under The Venerated Title of Our Mother of Sheshan, calling for Chinese Catholics to renew their fidelity to The Pope as the sole successor of Saint Peter.[14]

On 23 March 2018, Pope Francis granted a Papal Bull for the Canonical Coronation of a namesake Seminary in San Fabian, Pangasinan, Philippines. The image is notable for having been gifted to The Philippine Islands by The Apostolic Delegate, Monsignor Guillermo Piani, S.D.B., while the privilege of Blue Coloured Vestments were invoked by The Papal Legate.
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