Notre Dame de Rouen. The façade of the Gothic Church in France. Photographer: Hippo1947. Licence: SHUTTERSTOCK.
Showing posts with label Saint Norbert (1080-1134). Bishop And Confessor. Founder Of The Norbertines. Feast Day 6 June.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saint Norbert (1080-1134). Bishop And Confessor. Founder Of The Norbertines. Feast Day 6 June.. Show all posts

Thursday 6 June 2024

Saint Norbert (1080-1134). Bishop And Confessor. Founder Of The Norbertines. Whose Feast Day Is, Today, 6 June.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Norbert.
   Bishop And Confessor.
   Feast Day 6 June.


White Vestments.

Saint Norbert.
Artist: René de Cramer.
"Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium".
Used with Permission.

Norbert, born in 1080 at Xanten, near Cologne, Germany, was educated at The Holy Roman Emperor's Court. One day, when he was riding, accompanied by a servant, he was surprised by a hurricane. Like Saint Paul, on the way to Damascus, he heard a voice calling him to the service of The Church. At that moment, a crash of thunder threw him to the ground. He got up again, determined to Consecrate himself to God.

Having been admitted to Holy Orders, he devoted himself entirely to Preaching The Word of God (Collect).

Later on, guided by The Holy Ghost, Who continually Sanctifies The Church through the Centuries, he chose a Retreat in a deserted spot, called Prémontré, not far from Soissons, and Founded there The Order of Premonstratensians (Collect).

At the death of this Holy Founder, this new family numbered, at this place alone, over one thousand Canons Regular. Saint Norbert shared the full Priesthood of Christ, being Anointed Archbishop of Magdeburg, Germany (Introit, Epistle, Gradual, Offertory). He helped Pope Innocent II to triumph over the Anti-Pope, Anacletus, and was the friend of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. In The Netherlands, he defended Eucharistic Worship against The Heresy of Tanchelmus (see Illustration, above).

Engraving of Prémontré Abbey,
Département Aisne, France.
Founded by Saint Norbert in 1120.
Artist: Tavernier de Jonquières.
Date: 1780s.
Source/Photographer: BNF Richelieu Estampes et photographie Rés.Ve-26j - Fol. Destailleur Province, t. 5 , n. 1200; Bibliothèque nationale de France
(Wikimedia Commons)

After having put to full profit the talents with which God had entrusted him for the government of his Religious Family and Diocese (Gospel, Communion), "This Man of God," says The Breviary, "full of The Holy Ghost and laden with merits, fell asleep in The Lord, 1134 A.D."

Let us ask of God "to practise what Saint Norbert taught by word and by example" (Collect).

Mass: Státuit.

English: Painting of the triumph of Saint Norbert
over the Heretic, Tanchelmus, in 1124.
Deutsch: Der Triumph des hl. Nobert
über den Irrlehrer Tanchelm im Jahre 1124.
Artist: Joseph Appiani (1706–1785).
Date of painting: 1750.
Current location: Bavarian National Museum.
Source. Own work.
Author: User:FA2010, 2009.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Tuesday 6 June 2023

Saint Norbert (1080-1134). Bishop And Confessor. Founder Of The Norbertines. Whose Feast Day Is, Today, 6 June.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Norbert.
   Bishop And Confessor.
   Feast Day 6 June.


White Vestments.

Saint Norbert.
Artist: René de Cramer.
"Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium".
Used with Permission.

Norbert, born in 1080 at Xanten, near Cologne, Germany, was educated at The Holy Roman Emperor's Court. One day, when he was riding, accompanied by a servant, he was surprised by a hurricane. Like Saint Paul, on the way to Damascus, he heard a voice calling him to the service of The Church. At that moment, a crash of thunder threw him to the ground. He got up again, determined to Consecrate himself to God.

Having been admitted to Holy Orders, he devoted himself entirely to Preaching The Word of God (Collect).

Later on, guided by The Holy Ghost, Who continually Sanctifies The Church through the Centuries, he chose a Retreat in a deserted spot, called Prémontré, not far from Soissons, and Founded there The Order of Premonstratensians (Collect).

At the death of this Holy Founder, this new family numbered, at this place alone, over one thousand Canons Regular. Saint Norbert shared the full Priesthood of Christ, being Anointed Archbishop of Magdeburg, Germany (Introit, Epistle, Gradual, Offertory). He helped Pope Innocent II to triumph over the Anti-Pope, Anacletus, and was the friend of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. In The Netherlands, he defended Eucharistic Worship against The Heresy of Tanchelmus (see Illustration, above).

Engraving of Prémontré Abbey,
Département Aisne, France.
Founded by Saint Norbert in 1120.
Artist: Tavernier de Jonquières.
Date: 1780s.
Source/Photographer: BNF Richelieu Estampes et photographie Rés.Ve-26j - Fol. Destailleur Province, t. 5 , n. 1200; Bibliothèque nationale de France
(Wikimedia Commons)

After having put to full profit the talents with which God had entrusted him for the government of his Religious Family and Diocese (Gospel, Communion), "This Man of God," says The Breviary, "full of The Holy Ghost and laden with merits, fell asleep in The Lord, 1134 A.D."

Let us ask of God "to practise what Saint Norbert taught by word and by example" (Collect).

Mass: Státuit.

English: Painting of the triumph of Saint Norbert
over the Heretic, Tanchelmus, in 1124.
Deutsch: Der Triumph des hl. Nobert
über den Irrlehrer Tanchelm im Jahre 1124.
Artist: Joseph Appiani (1706–1785).
Date of painting: 1750.
Current location: Bavarian National Museum.
Source. Own work.
Author: User:FA2010, 2009.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Monday 6 June 2022

Saint Norbert (1080-1134). Bishop And Confessor. Founder Of The Norbertines. Whose Feast Day Is, Today, 6 June.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Norbert.
   Bishop And Confessor.
   Feast Day 6 June.


White Vestments.

Saint Norbert.
Artist: René de Cramer.
"Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium".
Used with Permission.

Norbert, born in 1080 at Xanten, near Cologne, Germany, was educated at The Holy Roman Emperor's Court. One day, when he was riding, accompanied by a servant, he was surprised by a hurricane. Like Saint Paul, on the way to Damascus, he heard a voice calling him to the service of The Church. At that moment, a crash of thunder threw him to the ground. He got up again, determined to Consecrate himself to God.

Having been admitted to Holy Orders, he devoted himself entirely to Preaching The Word of God (Collect).

Later on, guided by The Holy Ghost, Who continually Sanctifies The Church through the Centuries, he chose a Retreat in a deserted spot, called Prémontré, not far from Soissons, and Founded there The Order of Premonstratensians (Collect).

At the death of this Holy Founder, this new family numbered, at this place alone, over one thousand Canons Regular. Saint Norbert shared the full Priesthood of Christ, being Anointed Archbishop of Magdeburg, Germany (Introit, Epistle, Gradual, Offertory). He helped Pope Innocent II to triumph over the Anti-Pope, Anacletus, and was the friend of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. In The Netherlands, he defended Eucharistic Worship against The Heresy of Tanchelmus (see Illustration, above).

Engraving of Prémontré Abbey,
Département Aisne, France.
Founded by Saint Norbert in 1120.
Artist: Tavernier de Jonquières.
Date: 1780s.
Source/Photographer: BNF Richelieu Estampes et photographie Rés.Ve-26j
- Fol. Destailleur Province, t. 5 , n. 1200; Bibliothèque nationale de France
(Wikimedia Commons)

After having put to full profit the talents with which God had entrusted him for the government of his Religious Family and Diocese (Gospel, Communion), "This Man of God," says The Breviary, "full of The Holy Ghost and laden with merits, fell asleep in The Lord, 1134 A.D."

Let us ask of God "to practise what Saint Norbert taught by word and by example" (Collect).

Mass: Státuit.

English: Painting of the triumph of Saint Norbert
over the Heretic, Tanchelmus, in 1124.
Deutsch: Der Triumph des hl. Nobert
über den Irrlehrer Tanchelm im Jahre 1124.
Artist: Joseph Appiani (1706–1785).
Date of painting: 1750.
Current location: Bavarian National Museum.
Source. Own work.
Author: User:FA2010, 2009.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Sunday 6 June 2021

Saint Norbert (1080-1134). Bishop And Confessor. Founder Of The Norbertines. Whose Feast Day Is, Today, 6 June.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Norbert.
   Bishop And Confessor.
   Feast Day 6 June.


White Vestments.

Saint Norbert.
Artist: René de Cramer.
"Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium".
Used with Permission.

Norbert, born in 1080 at Xanten, near Cologne, Germany, was educated at The Holy Roman Emperor's Court. One day, when he was riding, accompanied by a servant, he was surprised by a hurricane. Like Saint Paul, on the way to Damascus, he heard a voice calling him to the service of The Church. At that moment, a crash of thunder threw him to the ground. He got up again, determined to Consecrate himself to God.

Having been admitted to Holy Orders, he devoted himself entirely to Preaching The Word of God (Collect).

Later on, guided by The Holy Ghost, Who continually Sanctifies The Church through the Centuries, he chose a Retreat in a deserted spot, called Prémontré, not far from Soissons, and Founded there The Order of Premonstratensians (Collect).

At the death of this Holy Founder, this new family numbered, at this place alone, over one thousand Canons Regular. Saint Norbert shared the full Priesthood of Christ, being Anointed Archbishop of Magdeburg, Germany (Introit, Epistle, Gradual, Offertory). He helped Pope Innocent II to triumph over the Anti-Pope, Anacletus, and was the friend of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. In The Netherlands, he defended Eucharistic Worship against The Heresy of Tanchelmus (see Illustration, above).

Engraving of Prémontré Abbey,
Département Aisne, France.
Founded by Saint Norbert in 1120.
Artist: Tavernier de Jonquières.
Date: 1780s.
Source/Photographer: BNF Richelieu Estampes et photographie Rés.Ve-26j
- Fol. Destailleur Province, t. 5 , n. 1200; Bibliothèque nationale de France
(Wikimedia Commons)

After having put to full profit the talents with which God had entrusted him for the government of his Religious Family and Diocese (Gospel, Communion), "This Man of God," says The Breviary, "full of The Holy Ghost and laden with merits, fell asleep in The Lord, 1134 A.D."

Let us ask of God "to practise what Saint Norbert taught by word and by example" (Collect).

Mass: Státuit.

English: Painting of the triumph of Saint Norbert
over the Heretic, Tanchelmus, in 1124.
Deutsch: Der Triumph des hl. Nobert
über den Irrlehrer Tanchelm im Jahre 1124.
Artist: Joseph Appiani (1706–1785).
Date of painting: 1750.
Current location: Bavarian National Museum.
Source. Own work.
Author: User:FA2010, 2009.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Saturday 6 June 2020

Saint Norbert (1080-1134). Bishop And Confessor. Founder Of The Norbertines. Whose Feast Day Is, Today, 6 June.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Norbert.
   Bishop And Confessor.
   Feast Day 6 June.


White Vestments.

Saint Norbert.
Artist: René de Cramer.
"Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium".
Used with Permission.

Norbert, born in 1080 at Xanten, near Cologne, Germany, was educated at The Holy Roman Emperor's Court. One day, when he was riding, accompanied by a servant, he was surprised by a hurricane. Like Saint Paul, on the way to Damascus, he heard a voice calling him to the service of The Church. At that moment, a crash of thunder threw him to the ground. He got up again, determined to Consecrate himself to God.

Having been admitted to Holy Orders, he devoted himself entirely to Preaching The Word of God (Collect).

Later on, guided by The Holy Ghost, Who continually Sanctifies The Church through the Centuries, he chose a Retreat in a deserted spot, called Prémontré, not far from Soissons, and Founded there The Order of Premonstratensians (Collect).

At the death of this Holy Founder, this new family numbered, at this place alone, over one thousand Canons Regular. Saint Norbert shared the full Priesthood of Christ, being Anointed Archbishop of Magdeburg, Germany (Introit, Epistle, Gradual, Offertory). He helped Pope Innocent II to triumph over the Anti-Pope, Anacletus, and was the friend of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. In The Netherlands, he defended Eucharistic Worship against The Heresy of Tanchelmus (see Illustration, above).

Engraving of Prémontré Abbey,
Département Aisne, France.
Founded by Saint Norbert in 1120.
Artist: Tavernier de Jonquières.
Date: 1780s.
Source/Photographer: BNF Richelieu Estampes et photographie Rés.Ve-26j
- Fol. Destailleur Province, t. 5 , n. 1200; Bibliothèque nationale de France
(Wikimedia Commons)

After having put to full profit the talents with which God had entrusted him for the government of his Religious Family and Diocese (Gospel, Communion), "This Man of God," says The Breviary, "full of The Holy Ghost and laden with merits, fell asleep in The Lord, 1134 A.D."

Let us ask of God "to practise what Saint Norbert taught by word and by example" (Collect).

Mass: Státuit.

English: Painting of the triumph of Saint Norbert
over the Heretic, Tanchelmus, in 1124.
Deutsch: Der Triumph des hl. Nobert
über den Irrlehrer Tanchelm im Jahre 1124.
Artist: Joseph Appiani (1706–1785).
Date of painting: 1750.
Current location: Bavarian National Museum.
Source. Own work.
Author: User:FA2010, 2009.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Thursday 6 June 2019

Saint Norbert (1080-1134). Bishop And Confessor. Founder Of The Norbertines. Feast Day, Today, 6 June.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Norbert.
   Bishop And Confessor.
   Feast Day 6 June.


White Vestments.

Saint Norbert.
Artist: René de Cramer.
"Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium".
Used with Permission.

Norbert, born in 1080 at Xanten, near Cologne, Germany, was educated at The Holy Roman Emperor's Court. One day, when he was riding, accompanied by a servant, he was surprised by a hurricane. Like Saint Paul, on the way to Damascus, he heard a voice calling him to the service of The Church. At that moment, a crash of thunder threw him to the ground. He got up again, determined to Consecrate himself to God.

Having been admitted to Holy Orders, he devoted himself entirely to Preaching The Word of God (Collect).

Later on, guided by The Holy Ghost, Who continually Sanctifies The Church through the Centuries, he chose a Retreat in a deserted spot, called Prémontré, not far from Soissons, and Founded there The Order of Premonstratensians (Collect).

At the death of this Holy Founder, this new family numbered, at this place alone, over one thousand Canons Regular. Saint Norbert shared the full Priesthood of Christ, being Anointed Archbishop of Magdeburg, Germany (Introit, Epistle, Gradual, Offertory). He helped Pope Innocent II to triumph over the Anti-Pope, Anacletus, and was the friend of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. In The Netherlands, he defended Eucharistic Worship against The Heresy of Tanchelmus (see Illustration, above).

Engraving of Prémontré Abbey, Département Aisne, France.
Founded by Saint Norbert in 1120.
Artist: Tavernier de Jonquières.
Date: 1780s.
Source/Photographer: BNF Richelieu Estampes et photographie
Rés.Ve-26j - Fol. Destailleur Province, t. 5 , n. 1200; Bibliothèque nationale de France
(Wikimedia Commons)

After having put to full profit the talents with which God had entrusted him for the government of his Religious Family and Diocese (Gospel, Communion), "This Man of God," says The Breviary, "full of The Holy Ghost and laden with merits, fell asleep in The Lord, 1134 A.D."

Let us ask of God "to practise what Saint Norbert taught by word and by example" (Collect).

Mass: Státuit.

English: Painting of the triumph of Saint Norbert over the Heretic, Tanchelmus, in 1124.
Deutsch: Der Triumph des hl. Nobert über den Irrlehrer Tanchelm im Jahre 1124.
Artist: Joseph Appiani (1706–1785).
Date of painting: 1750.
Current location: Bavarian National Museum.
Source/Photographer: Self-photographed, User:FA2010, 2009.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Wednesday 6 June 2018

Saint Norbert (1080-1134). Bishop And Confessor. Founder Of The Norbertines. Feast Day, Today, 6 June.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Norbert.
   Bishop And Confessor.
   Feast Day 6 June.


White Vestments.

Saint Norbert.
Artist: René de Cramer.
"Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium".
Used with Permission.

Norbert, born in 1080 at Xanten, near Cologne, Germany, was educated at The Holy Roman Emperor's Court. One day, when he was riding, accompanied by a servant, he was surprised by a hurricane. Like Saint Paul, on the way to Damascus, he heard a voice calling him to the service of The Church. At that moment, a crash of thunder threw him to the ground. He got up again, determined to Consecrate himself to God.

Having been admitted to Holy Orders, he devoted himself entirely to Preaching The Word of God (Collect).

Later on, guided by The Holy Ghost, Who continually Sanctifies The Church through the Centuries, he chose a Retreat in a deserted spot, called Prémontré, not far from Soissons, and Founded there The Order of Premonstratensians (Collect).

At the death of this Holy Founder, this new family numbered, at this place alone, over one thousand Canons Regular. Saint Norbert shared the full Priesthood of Christ, being Anointed Archbishop of Magdeburg, Germany (Introit, Epistle, Gradual, Offertory). He helped Pope Innocent II to triumph over the Anti-Pope, Anacletus, and was the friend of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. In The Netherlands, he defended Eucharistic Worship against The Heresy of Tanchelmus (see Illustration, above).

Engraving of Prémontré Abbey, Département Aisne, France.
Founded by Saint Norbert in 1120.
Artist: Tavernier de Jonquières.
Date: 1780s.
Source/Photographer: BNF Richelieu Estampes et photographie Rés.
Ve-26j - Fol.

Destailleur Province, t. 5 , n. 1200; Bibliothèque nationale de France
(Wikimedia Commons)

After having put to full profit the talents with which God had entrusted him for the government of his Religious Family and Diocese (Gospel, Communion), "This Man of God," says The Breviary, "full of The Holy Ghost and laden with merits, fell asleep in The Lord, 1134 A.D."

Let us ask of God "to practise what Saint Norbert taught by word and by example" (Collect).

Mass: Státuit.

English: Painting of the triumph of Saint Norbert over the Heretic, Tanchelmus, in 1124.
Deutsch: Der Triumph des hl. Nobert über den Irrlehrer Tanchelm im Jahre 1124.
Artist: Joseph Appiani (1706–1785).
Date of painting: 1750.
Current location: Bavarian National Museum.
Source/Photographer: Self-photographed, User:FA2010, 2009.
(Wikimedia Commons)

Tuesday 6 June 2017

Saint Norbert (1080-1134). Bishop And Confessor. Founder Of The Norbertines. Feast Day, Today, 6 June.

Text from The Saint Andrew Daily Missal,
unless stated otherwise.

Saint Norbert.
   Bishop And Confessor.
   Feast Day 6 June.


White Vestments.

Saint Norbert.
Artist: Rene de Cramer.
"Copyright Brunelmar/Ghent/Belgium".
Used with Permission.

Norbert, born in 1080 at Xanten, near Cologne, Germany, was educated at The Holy Roman Emperor's Court. One day, when he was riding, accompanied by a servant, he was surprised by a hurricane. Like Saint Paul, on the way to Damascus, he heard a voice calling him to the service of The Church. At that moment, a crash of thunder threw him to the ground. He got up again, determined to Consecrate himself to God.

Having been admitted to Holy Orders, he devoted himself entirely to Preaching The Word of God (Collect).

Later on, guided by The Holy Ghost, Who continually Sanctifies The Church through the Centuries, he chose a Retreat in a deserted spot, called Prémontré, not far from Soissons, and Founded there The Order of Premonstratensians (Collect).

At the death of this Holy Founder, this new family numbered, at this place alone, over one thousand Canons Regular. Saint Norbert shared the full Priesthood of Christ, being Anointed Archbishop of Magdeburg, Germany (Introit, Epistle, Gradual, Offertory). He helped Pope Innocent II to triumph over the Anti-Pope, Anacletus, and was the friend of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. In The Netherlands, he defended Eucharistic Worship against The Heresy of Tanchelmus (see Illustration, above).

Engraving of Prémontré Abbey, Département Aisne, France.
Founded by Saint Norbert in 1120.
Artist: Tavernier de Jonquières.
Date: 1780s.
Source/Photographer: BNF Richelieu Estampes et photographie Rés.
Ve-26j - Fol. Destailleur Province, t. 5 , n. 1200; Bibliothèque nationale de France
(Wikimedia Commons)

After having put to full profit the talents with which God had entrusted him for the government of his Religious Family and Diocese (Gospel, Communion), "This Man of God," says The Breviary, "full of The Holy Ghost and laden with merits, fell asleep in The Lord, 1134 A.D."

Let us ask of God "to practise what Saint Norbert taught by word and by example" (Collect).

Mass: Státuit.

English: Painting of the triumph of Saint Norbert over the Heretic, Tanchelmus, in 1124.
Deutsch: Der Triumph des hl. Nobert über den Irrlehrer Tanchelm im Jahre 1124.
Artist: Joseph Appiani (1706–1785).
Date of painting: 1750.
Current location: Bavarian National Museum.
Source/Photographer: Self-photographed, User:FA2010, 2009.
(Wikimedia Commons)
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